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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Google - Year In Search 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Robots y espiritualidad

Por Felipe Vera

La robótica estará más presente en las vidas de todos los seres humanos en un futuro próximo. Las fábricas, las tiendas, los supermercados, los automóviles auto-operados, los cocineros, las operaciones quirúrgicas realizadas casi por completo por los robots ya son algo real y lejos de la ciencia ficción. Esto causa mucha preocupación a sociólogos, psicólogos, religiosos, sindicatos y muchas personas porque el número de puestos de trabajo puede reducirse drásticamente en el corto plazo.
Según datos del Banco Mundial, la proporción de puestos de trabajo amenazados por la automatización es del 69% en la India, del 77% en China y del 85% en Etiopía.
Algunas propuestas importantes han surgido para resolver este problema.Una de las más importantes es de Bill Gates, que ha propuesto crear un impuesto sobre los robots que permita distribuir la riqueza generada por ellos de una manera más equitativa entre los seres humanos. Otro es la de Mark Zuckerberg, CEO de Facebook que propone la creación de un salario universal e igual para cada ser humano.
La riqueza generada por los robots sera tan grande que la creación de este salario universal parece posible. Esto permitirá que todos los seres humanos tengan ingresos suficientes para vivir cómodamente, pero ¿qué pasará cuando la gente trabaje sólo unas pocas horas a la semana? Estas son algunas opiniones:
1-Aburrimiento excesivo. Si el aburrimiento está asociado con la depresión, se puede inferir que las personas que se aburren con frecuencia son más propensas a sufrir ataques cardíacos debido a la liberación de ciertas hormonas peligrosas que se generan en esos estados al obligar el funcionamiento cardíaco.El Dr. Daniel López Rosetti, presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Medicina del Estrés, dice que ser saludable significa tener el nivel adecuado de estrés, lo que significa tener un nivel normal de entusiasmo por la vida y de deseo de vivir. El llama Hypostress el constante estado de aburrimiento, y la falta de interés por las cosas. El Dr. López Rosetti también sostiene que la depresión está relacionada con el aburrimiento porque tiene los mismos síntomas, como la tristeza, la melancolía, el pesimismo y un nivel de estrés patológico.
Estos niveles de aburrimiento pueden incluso conducir al suicidio, como en muchos países europeos.

2-Ocio. La pereza (en latín, Acidia) es la más "metafísica" de los pecados capitales, ya que se refiere a la incapacidad de aceptar y hacerse cargo de sí mismo. Los franciscanos consideran la pereza como la madre de todos los vicios (alcoholismo, drogadicción, etc.).

Indudablemente la idea de una sociedad de bienestar general es atractiva en un mundo lleno de desigualdades, pobreza y violencia, pero los problemas que esto puede traer son muchos en la psique humana y su comportamiento o tal vez estamos entrando en una era en la que los humanos seremos más espirituales y adoradores de Dios.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Robots and spirituality

By Felipe Vera

Robotics will be more present in the lives of all humans in the near future. Factories, stores, supermarkets, auto-operated cars, cooks, surgical operations almost completely made by robots are already something real and far from science fiction. This causes much concern to sociologists, psychologists, religious, trade unions and many people because the number of jobs can be drastically reduced in the short term.
According to data from the World Bank, the proportion of jobs threatened by automation is 69% in India, 77% in China and not less than 85% in Ethiopia. Some important proposals have come up to solve this problem.
One of the most important is that of Bill Gates, he has proposed to create a tax on robots that allows to distribute the wealth generated by them in a more equitable way among humans.
Another is that of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO at Facebook who proposes the creation of a universal and equal wage for each human.
The wealth generated by the robots will be so great that the creation of this universal wage seems possible. This will allow all humans to have sufficient income to live comfortably but what will happen when people work only a few hours a week? Here are some opinions:
1-Excessive boredom. If boredom is associated with depression, it can be inferred that people who are bored frequently are more likely to suffer heart attacks due to the release of certain dangerous hormones that are generated in those states by forcing cardiac functioning.
Dr. Daniel López Rosetti, president of the Argentine Society of Stress Medicine, says that being healthy means having the right level of stress, which means having a normal level of enthusiasm for life and the desire to live; And calls Hypostress the constant state of boredom, and lack of interest in things. Dr. López Rosetti also maintains that depression is related to boredom because it has the same symptoms, such as sadness, melancholy, pessimism, and a level of pathological stress.
These levels of boredom can even lead to suicide, as in many European countries.
2-Leisure. Laziness (in Latin, Acidia) is the most "metaphysical" of capital sins, since it refers to the inability to accept and take charge of oneself. The Franciscans consider laziness as the mother of all vices (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)
Undoubtedly the idea of ​​a society of general well-being is attractive in a world full of inequalities, poverty, and violence, but the problems that this can bring are many in the human psyche and its behavior or perhaps we are entering an era in which humans will be more spiritual and worshipers of God.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Robots, solution, or threat to the world?


“The root of our problems is not that we are in a great recession, or a great stagnation, but rather in the early stages of a major restructuring. Our technologies are moving forward, but many of our skills and organizations are lagging. Therefore, it is urgent that we understand these phenomena, discuss their implications, and present strategies that allow human workers to move forward with the machines instead of competing against them. "
MIT researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee wrote this in their book The Race Against Machines (2011) and it's a warning about what could happen in the future and its implications in the labor market of the USA and the rest of the world.
Mckinsey Global Institute predicts that 50 percent of the activities that humans currently do will be automated by 2050.
Labor data
According to ILO reports, unemployment in 2017 should increase by about 3 million, mostly in emerging and developing countries.
Economic growth and employment
The UN predicts that the world's gross product will expand by 2.7% in 2017 and 2.9% by 2018.
Okun’ s Law empirically demonstrates that when the economy grows the rate of unemployment decreases however Brynjolfsson considers that in our times that is not real by the use of robots.
The European Union tops the list of regions where there is the greatest use of robots in industries.
According to data from the World Bank, the proportion of jobs threatened by automation reaches 69% in India, 77% in China and no less than 85% in Ethiopia.
Some proposals to deal with global robotization
One of the most important proposals is that of Bill Gates. He proposes to create a tax on robots that allows to distribute the wealth generated by them in a more equitable way among humans.
Another is that of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO at Facebook who proposes the creation of a universal and equal wage for each human, the entrepreneur also calls for creating tomorrow's jobs (such as creating and repairing robots for example) and creating the new global citizen and not just members of a single nation.
Generally, the technological revolutions throughout history have generated more jobs than they have destroyed.
The expansion of robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) will generate important economic advantages, which will lead to a higher per capita product growth. MIT economist Robert Solow showed that long-term growth is determined by technological change and not by the rate of investment, so economic growth is assured by the robots.
Market research firm Metra Martech conducted a study on the positive impact of industrial robots on employment, which concludes that thanks to the use of these robots a million high-quality jobs have been created around the world.

Robotics seems to be an opportunity for humans to solve the huge global problems of today, in a world ravaged by poverty and violence, although there will undoubtedly be others.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

¿Burbuja especulativa global? ¿Y su empresa qué?

Burbuja especulativa

Una burbuja especulativa es un fenómeno económico que consiste en el incremento desproporcionado del precio corriente de algún activo o producto, de forma tal que dicho precio se aleja sustancialmente del valor teórico real del mismo. Esta situación surge principalmente como consecuencia de la a veces extrema especulación y se mantiene hasta que finaliza la euforia de los inversionistas, produciéndose entonces una caída en el valor de los objetos de especulación, ya sean acciones, mercancías, etc. y de los mercados en general que en ocasiones han llegado a provocar cracks bursátiles.
Principales burbujas especulativas de la historia
1-1637: La tulipanomanía. Período de fiebre especulativa sobre los bulbos de tulipán que se desencadenó en los Países Bajos.
2-1720: El Mississippi y los Mares del Sur. En el caso de la burbuja del Mississippi y su versión británica, la de los Mares del Sur, su origen se halla en el canje masivo de deuda pública por acciones.
3-1929: Desplome de la Bolsa de Nueva York en octubre de ese año. Esto vino precedido de una floreciente y artificial situación económica.
4-1987: Se produce un nuevo descalabro bursátil o crack tras la correspondiente burbuja.
5-1990: La burbuja kamikaze. Tras el derrumbe bursátil del año 1987, y con el objetivo de estimular la demanda interna y reducir, así, los efectos sobre su economía de la caída del dólar, Japón llevó a cabo una política monetaria laxa que mantuvo los tipos de interés en mínimos históricos. Las facilidades para el endeudamiento derivadas de la abundancia de liquidez hicieron crecer el precio de los activos y, poco a poco, se fue formando una burbuja inmobiliaria y bursátil de un tamaño colosal, que, finalmente, explotaría en enero de 1990.
6-2000: La burbuja punto com. El optimismo que rodeaba cuanto tuviera relación con el mundo virtual y la admiración con que se miraban las iniciativas de los gurús del ciberespacio, hacía que toda empresa que tuviera en su nombre un punto com se revalorizara de manera casi siempre artificial aun cuando no tenían en muchos casos ni ventas, hasta niveles estratosféricos tan pronto salía a bolsa, lo que provocó un crecimiento desmesurado del precio de las acciones de estas empresas de tecnología que trajo como consecuencia la formación de una burbuja y su consiguiente explosión.
7-Burbuja inmobiliaria del 2007. Una de las más grandes y que aún persiste

Consecuencias para una empresa de la explosión de una burbuja

La explosión de una burbuja se traduce en un malestar general de la economía, recesión e incluso crisis económicas que afectan de forma importante el funcionamiento de las empresas (caída importante de las ventas, etc.), especialmente de las pequeñas y medianas.
La principal consecuencia de la explosión de una burbuja especulativa es que genera una pérdida para la sociedad en su conjunto, pues, aunque los efectos económicos sobre la economía real son graves, más importantes son sus consecuencias sociales dentro de la que esta una brusca reducción del empleo y una fuerte afectación a las PYMES que son más vulnerables a los bruscos cambios en el mercado.

¿Estamos en presencia de una burbuja especulativa? Dos opiniones

La mala noticia antes: De acuerdo a la revista Forbes y otras importantes publicaciones, además de muchos famosos inversionistas, las US stocks si están inmersas en una burbuja especulativa.

La buena noticia: El destacado economista argentino Mario Blejer, descartó que exista una burbuja especulativa que afecte a los mercados internacionales, y en cambio considera que "estamos en presencia de un cambio estructural y duradero”.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Big Data technology and Human Rights

The human rights of internet users are being violated
In the era of globalization, where technology is an essential part of most people's lives, it is very important that companies and governments, which collect personal data from their users and customers using Big Data technology, respect their human rights, described in articles 8 and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What is Big Data?
Big Data is an emerging technology and practice that enables companies and governments to collect, process, detect and store large volumes of structured and unstructured data quickly and cost effectively.
The data analyzed through this technology are collected in the following ways:
-Generated by people
-Transactions of data
-Internet marketing and web
-Machine to Machine (Internet of Things)
-Biometric (retina scanners, fingerprints, or readers of DNA strings)
Companies can use the information obtained with Big Data for marketing purposes, human resources, scientific research, etc.
Governments may also use the information collected for research, defense, and espionage purposes.
Big Data and Human Rights
The amount of data created annually is already many Zettabytes and tends to grow, of these almost 80% are generated by individuals.
Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that are violated with the use of Big Data:
Article 12- "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks " This article is blatantly violated by numerous companies and governments using Big Data technology, as there is a lot of arbitrary interference in people's private lives, because they are not asked if they want to be monitored online and that the information obtained is analyzed by others (companies and governments) and decisions are made based on it.
Article 8- "Everyone has the right to an effective remedy before the competent national tribunals, which protects him against acts that violate his fundamental rights recognized by the constitution or by law". Current legislation does not provide effective protection to users against the human rights violations they suffer from some of the companies and governments using Big Data technology, since it is almost impossible for these users to be able to protect themselves from acts of companies and governments that violate some of their human rights as described in Article 12 (there are no clear and effective laws).
It is important to create laws to protect Internet users against the interference of companies and governments in the people’s private lives.
It is also important that the United Nations, through its Commission on Human Rights and other institutions such as the International Telecommunication Union, creates clear regulations governing the use of Internet users' information that is captured, stored, and analyzed with the technology Big Data and that immediately stop the violation of the Human Rights of Internet users.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Nuevas tendencias en las ventas

1-Llegarán SOLOS más clientes a la empresa. Los vendedores tradicionales FUERA, el inboud de marketing se impone (dar mas valores agregados para que vengan solos los clientes ). Las áreas comerciales ponen énfasis en los clientes que lleguen y analizan si son los adecuados.
2-Se imponen nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a las ventas (gestión de datos, la gestión del conocimiento, formación y feedback de ventas, la última generación de CRMs, los generadores de recomendaciones y las novedades en correo electrónico).
3- Claridad de los mensajes y estos últimos muy dirigidos al cliente.
4-Fuerzas de ventas altamente especializadas en cada parte del proceso de las ventas (vendedores diferentes en una o más de las etapas).

Friday, March 31, 2017

What is Six Sigma (sometimes stylized as 6σ)?

Six Sigma (sometimes stylized as 6σ) is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was introduced by engineer Bill Smith while working at Motorola in 1986. Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995.Today, it is used in many industrial sectors.
It seeks to improve the quality of the output of a process by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, mainly empirical, statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has specific value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits.

Friday, March 17, 2017

What is the Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy is a book published in 2005 and written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, professors at INSEAD and co-directors of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than a hundred years and thirty industries, Kim & Mauborgne argue that companies can succeed not by battling competitors, but rather by creating ″blue oceans″ of uncontested market space. They assert that these strategic moves create a leap in value for the company, its buyers, and its employees while unlocking new demand and making the competition irrelevant. The book presents analytical frameworks and tools to foster an organization's ability to systematically create and capture blue oceans. The expanded edition of Blue Ocean Strategy was published in February, 2015. This edition updates all strategic moves in the book, bringing their stories up to the present, and adds new chapters on achieving strategic alignment and avoiding red ocean traps as well as expanding the discussion on sustainability and renewal.